New Types of Animated Video That Can Boost Your Creative Mindset

Nowadays, more and more people start their day by watching funny cartoons on YouTube or Netflix (for example). And this new trend is slowly spreading out in our educational world as well: from kindergarten classrooms where children learn how fruit grows through an animated video to high schools which use these tools in order for students not only to keep up but even excel! 

It’s no wonder why there are now so many kids who can “draw like an artist” thanks to all of them – they were probably taught by teachers using similar techniques since elementary school years at least…and it works!! Animated video clips have become one great way towards creative thinking among teenagers because most importantly; they make learning fun without any distractions whatsoever -plus- what makes things better than anything else?! That would be animation itself... 

The main idea comes down to two parts actually, depending on whether the subject matter requires either visual creativity OR abstract thinking skills. A lot of educators believe that teaching learners should focus mainly on visualizing information rather than memorization due to the fact human memory doesn't work exactly the same way as computers' RAM (Random Access Memory). 

Because of this, educators are now seeking to move away from traditional, factual memory instruction and into something more visual. Not only in the educational sector but using an animated video in marketing campaigns, advertisement projects or any other visual work has proved that this type serves any purpose and can conform to other different themes as well. 

How Can Animated Video Stimulate One's Creativity?

An animated video that stems from a creative process is usually one that makes people laugh and have a good time. It’s important to notice how animated videos can create an environment that fosters the creation process.

It is believed that most creativity is a natural and normal process. It does not have to be actively cultivated or forced. People who play video games for example experience different worlds at the same time. In some moments they play with a virtual world and then switch to their environment at other times. They can experience creative processes in which they can expand their thoughts beyond the imaginable. 

In the world of video and multimedia, some people use animated video for entertainment and some use it to enhance learning. Videos can be motivational and can help navigate through life in the 21st century. 

Creativity is when new ideas surface in the mind of the creator. It is about finding new solutions to old problems and new ways to understand your world. Creativity is how people are constantly reinventing the rules of the game called life.

It is certainly a natural process and it does not have to be actively stimulated. If you want a creative person on your board or in your organization, you need to create a creative mindset in your people. You need to create a creative environment for your people.

The Act of Coming Up with Creative Animated Video Concepts

This question might sound simple enough or it might not. In reality, the answer to it is definitely not simple. Animated video can play a significant role in boosting creative thinking and inspiration if the person working with it is disciplined and attentive in making a difference.

Speaking out of accumulated experiences, it’s not about having the right tools and the right space as if that’s all it takes then there would be more creative and business people. It’s not something you can do alone in the comfort of your home. There are tools and spaces that are only needed when it’s used effectively and not simply as play areas where you put your ideas on the whiteboard or a scrap piece of paper as a drawing board.

Why is the use of animated video and other tools of visual media important in creative ideas and their pursuit?

It’s not about getting more ideas and ways of doing things. It’s like a game of chess. You can have a new idea but it could have nothing to do with creating new ideas and ways of working. If you’re simply thinking and just letting it float out, it might just come out of nothing and be irrelevant to any form of work or project. The answer is not to get more random ideas but more ideas that you can actually use and make a difference to your business or product.

Usually, people get ideas by watching and listening and thinking to themselves if it's clever enough to be used and so on. We all know this and we’ve seen it time and time again in magazines and even in the media. Many people get inspired by other ideas and the way other businesses use animated videos and try to replicate the same process. 

If you want to develop your ideas and turn them into reality, the first step is to understand that you have to have something to write, draw and produce which is in this case your particular concept and thought, and then figure out how to turn it into an art form and in this sense an animated video.

4 Types of Videos that Can Boost Your Creative Mindset


1. Visually Appealing Content

These are the most popular videos which include the use of images, design, music, and text. These elements give more depth to your ideas and boost your creative mindset. The most important thing is to use photos and create eye-catching visuals that represent your personality.

Creative videos are more engaging than creating text content. They are also one of the most effective ways to boost SEO ranking. It is a great way to get more attention from your audience but also one of the best ways to create more opportunities for your content. Visual content not only helps you create a more engaging video but makes the audience look forward to your content. They can be animated videos, real action videos, or any other type, the important factor is the use of appealing scenes, stories, etc.

2. Short Animated Videos- Short Movies

Short films or short animated videos are the most powerful types of videos ever made. Short movies are typically around 10 minutes in length. They can be very effective if you have the proper story you’re trying to communicate. Plus, they’re easily watchable at a pace. When I say short, I mean short for a film to make an impact. And for these films to work, you obviously need to have simple short videos or short animated videos to build a case that leads to your longer video.

Short videos are just so great for building momentum and making a lasting impact.

3. Creative Greeting Videos:

Video greetings are a great way to boost your creative mindset, because it's not only about what you say, but also how you say it. A video greeting is a three-in-one. It's a message, a presentation, and a conversation. A video greeting is also a great way to boost your creative mindset because you can also talk about your creativity and your work.

4. How-to Videos

How-to videos are the most popular type of video content on YouTube. It is the most common type of video content that is sought after by your target audience. Nowadays, there is no excuse to not create how-to videos because it is so easy to do so. 

It is one thing to know how to do something and another thing to do it correctly. The same applies to your how-to videos. Once you have mastered how-to videos, you can move on to producing product demonstrations. Product demonstrations are a great way to show how a product works. They can be done by a single person or a group of people.