Audio Transcription: Podcast turned Blog Post in Seconds

Turning your podcasts into blog posts using audio transcription can seem unnecessary to so many people seeing how both mediums are appreciated separately. However, when it comes to the numbers, having the same podcast content as a blog post is in fact more appealing and approachable than we think. 

Let’s check the numbers: Around 409 million people check 20 billion pages every month and more than 50% of the US population listens to podcasts. This goes to show how both blog posts and podcasts attract huge interest for various reasons. They are both important content mediums that people largely consume daily. 

One of the UK’s SEO specialists, Daniel Foley, said that podcasts are considered as the radio of the internet, and blogs are the internet’s newspaper that allows you to catch up on accurate information. Both of these outlets can be consumed interchangeably for their various content and accessibility. Podcasts are known to be consumed when people are multitasking: during a drive, grabbing errands… Blogs are more of a sit-down leisure activity mainly consumed to know what’s going on in the world. 

How about getting the most out of both mediums where you can have your favorite podcast turn into a blog post or vice versa. Instead of planning to start one over the other, you can make both of them work tandemly.

The positive aspect of sharing your podcast over different platforms is to help meet your listeners/viewers' needs depending on the format of your podcast. One medium that will for sure convert more listeners is to summarize your podcast into the most important points and upload them as a blog post on your website. Written content is considerably popular among people despite the general idea that most of them prefer listening over reading.

Converting a podcast into blog posts using audio transcription can be the way forward. Even with the success of a podcast episode,  and with many listeners increasing in numbers, you can get more traffic by squeezing even more juice to your website through blog posts. You can repurpose podcasts to give it a new refreshing start in a new format. This way you will discover more customers and keep your loyal listeners engaged by delivering different styles of the same content. 

Podcasts are usually more than 30 minutes to one hour long. Podcasters usually find it hard to come up with new and engaging episodes. By converting the episodes into blog posts using audio transcription, podcasters will be able to section off one episode into different engaging posts. They can also use the same content for social media platforms. 

To repurpose your podcast, one efficient way is to use audio transcription rather than manual transcription. The process of listening to content and writing them down is tedious and requires an incredible amount of patience and time. It’s basically infeasible due to time constraints. With audio transcription, using transcription software can help generate written content of an episode of 30 minutes to less than 10 minutes.

Why Do Podcasts and Blogs Go Hand in Hand?

Blog posts

To better understand this question, we must first learn how each one of these mediums works and affects a business’s conversion rate. Before, the main question businesses get asked is whether they have their own websites. Online presence plays a huge role in determining a brand’s image and success. Brands with no websites were considered unprofessional back in the day. Now, these brands are facing another challenge to create their own blogs.

Having a website has become a prerequisite. Now the focus shifts to having a blog in order to solidify your internet presence with the help of SEO which will ultimately bring so much traffic to your website and business. The art of blogging requires creativity in writing and the ability to contribute valuable information to a segment of the business’s target market. 

The key to blogging is consistency. Not only are you providing information but also making sure your rank in SEO is secure. Search engine’s crawl system helps articles rank higher. Using audio transcription for podcasts to generate blog posts can help you access unmatched SEO value. 


For podcasts, it was created as an easy medium to distribute audio or video to an audience regardless of time or place of use. Podcasts usually tackle a certain topic or issue each episode. Therefore, people select the kind of theme and topic they would like to listen to, in comparison to radio programs where you’re stuck with whatever program they play. 

Podcast content is crafted in order to appeal to certain people based on the topic discussed. That means that the core focus is given to listeners first, and content is created with the listeners in mind. Therefore, both podcasts and blogs similarly work to provide quality content that will benefit people. However, instead of having the content on one singular medium, why not share it on different platforms?

Audio transcription of a podcast episode can position the brand more as an expert. Since blogs focus mainly on niche topics, it could help with the brand's message and expertise to have content in both audio format and written format. You can gain credibility and become a leader in different industries. In terms of investment, blogs do not require a lot of money except for a domain name and a website hosting service and you’re good to go. 

You can provide your brand’s presence on different platforms without spending too much money on advertisement. Audio transcription of your podcast to a blog post serves as an ad itself. You will be able to build up a community of both listeners and readers while using the same content in different settings. Community is key in marketing. Brands feed off these communities and hope they would bring more people which can help create sub-communities; audience growth and retention. 

How to Actually Convert Podcast to Blog Posts using Audio transcription

According to Dr. Jeffrey Lant, a marketing expert, and writer on “Rule of Seven”, customers should be able to see your brand’s message around seven times within an 18 month period before taking action. This may sound like hard work, however, as the quote says, work smart not hard. 

People need to see your work consistently in their search results and feed on social media in order to gain their trust and attract traffic to your brand. That is why repurposing the content of your podcasts into blog posts using audio transcription is the best technique to make use of this technique while also focusing on other content. 

How can you do that? Simple!  Invest in a video/audio transcription service or software. If your podcast is an interview with different guests, you can transcribe your audio content, select the most interesting questions and answers, and have your guests add more input to fit the quality of the content.

It’s important to also make edits to the content. Spoken language is different from written language. When someone speaks on a topic, they can go around different aspects to explain their stance, however, for blog posts, content should be direct and valuable.

In the case of podcasts based on true stories, audio transcription can generate the entire spoken content in written form, but you can’t use all of it as it can be redundant and extremely difficult to follow. Use key points of the story while including images and photographs from either the event or guests' own personal resources. Visual content also makes blog posts interesting. 

You can always go back to your podcast archive and pick the top 10 episodes with the most visits and transcribe them using an audio transcription service. You can then update the content with recent data, case studies, or statistics and you have your 10 blog posts ready for publication. 

In case you don’t want to have the same content published on blogs, you can dedicate the blog to write previews or summarize each podcast episode. This will help your audience to understand what they can expect in the upcoming episode and eagerly wait for it lives. Previews are not essays, you should definitely not write a 1500 word article for a simple preview. Your viewers won’t be able to read the entire article, so it’s important to reveal only a few aspects without uncovering too much information. 

By doing so, you will be able to add your podcasting as well as social media links to the article. If you post the preview on all your social platforms, new people will click on those links and they will be able to watch your podcast. This way, you increase your chances to reach a wider audience with your content. They will also have the choice to either read your blog posts fast or listen to your podcast while doing other projects.