Negative Text to Voice Tones Can Ruin Your Brand

Text to voice Tone is a powerful aspect to consider for your brand, whether it’s the words you choose to articulate, the tone of your voice, or the way you interact with others. Ever since the rise of Artificial intelligence in the business industry, we can see the change in the nature of the text to voice technology and how it's important to have different variants and examples in order to accommodate the way humans actually talk. 

Text to Voice tone is one of the most powerful ways to communicate with others. It sets the atmosphere of how you want to communicate with your team, your boss, your clients, your family, and your friends. The tonality in all the previously mentioned examples differs according to the time and position one holds. 

Using deep tones with your family is not natural. It is rather constricting. It's the same case for brands who want to set a certain image in their industry. Having your own voice is liberating if it falls within the nature of your work. 

The Importance of Text to Voice Tones For Brand Image

Since artificial intelligence and the entire text-to-speech conversation have been rising in the business industry, it’s worth mentioning how text to voice can serve as your technique to deal with voice tonality in audio material. Instead of engaging in multiple run-through with voice actors to see which one best suits your campaign, text to voice services have made it easy for brand owners to select high quality and customize the outcome as they please. 

Text to voice tone affects the tone of the conversation. A soft tone communicates a gentle, calm, and trustworthy message. A loud tone is brash and aggressive. Voice tone can have a significant impact on the people interested in your brand. It can either have a positive or a negative impact.

It is especially a critical part of any sales conversation. Whether you’re addressing your content to potential customers or prospects, it is important to be aware of the effect of the text to voice tone you’re using. That is because having a negative tone can ruin your entire career, and you wouldn’t want that to happen because you didn’t make the right choice when choosing your voice. 

Negative Text to voice tone can be a significant factor in determining the success of a sales call or not. It might seem trivial to some, but minor “ major” components like these are what identify a certain brand and stand out in the market. 

People have a strong instinctive reaction to voices.  When people talk to each other, they subconsciously analyze the tone of their voices, they assess the trustworthiness and honesty of the other person. 

The same thing happens in the business industry. Voice tones that sound tired, infuriating, and destructive throw off the quality of a product or service. People will only remember how they didn’t like the voice they heard in a certain campaign and not the actual product being advertised. 

In Which Ways We Can Fall Into Negative Text to Voice Tone Trap?

There are many components when advertising your brand that can ruin its reputation without even paying much attention. The first one is the negative text to voice tones used in the writing process of your content. 

Campaigns should be written in an informative and fun way that can urge the customer to check the product or service. However, a few times this is not the case. It may not occur to the brand or the marketing team but some writing content can give off negative connotations without being aware of it. Using negative words for example can lead to negative text to voice tones. 

You might think that using the negative word to describe a competitor will enunciate the buyer to actually consider your product, but it can just make it worse and give off a not-so-cool image about who you are as a brand and a person in particular. People may not want to deal with a product that has been portrayed as a “better version” of something you claimed as “bad”. 

The second component is the use of a negative tone in speech. Using unhappy attitudes towards a certain aspect of your campaign can diverge your product from its core purpose. It’s important to consider pitch, rhythm, and volume in different aspects of your vocal material to better engage the customer. Having one single rhythm for example in your text to voice material can bring monotony to your content.

Using poor text to voice services to generate your content is definitely not helping as it can sound linear and computer-based. The lack of emotions in some of these services will not serve your content any favor. It’s important to invest in a good quality tool that offers many voices to choose from and the ability to customize it using either punctuation or editing tools. You don’t want your content to portray disinterest and boredom. 

How To Avoid Negative Text to Voice?

As much as negative text to voice tones can still be ambiguous due to its multiple facets, it’s important to avoid the following errors that can hinder the brand’s intention to brighten up the language.

Less Context is Not Always Good

Many expressions in the English language in particular sound rude because they are short.


In a familiar context, these phrases can be fitting, but for advertising purposes, you don’t always have to go through the short road. You can get away with having long-length sentences to explain the brand’s vision. If a text to voice were to read off the short offensive sentences, it won’t be done in a manner that could lower its invasive effect. 

It’s important to always make yourself at the receiving end of the text in order to feel its weight. 

Individualism In The World of AI, Is It Possible?

This is related primarily to text to voice. Many big companies are launching their own AI voices to centralize and personalize their brand with their own text to voice. However, for small startups who are willing to embark on their first journey, creating their own voice can be costly. That is why they lean more towards using the mainstream text to speech voices even though they are aware of losing their uniqueness. 

People don’t want their wake-up timer to recount a brand’s experience they expect to enjoy. It’s important to do your research and find the best text to voice service that offers many choices to choose from while also having the ability to change and modify the voice according to your need.