Content is never enough. It’s common to think that one single content form is the most important part of any website because it’s what people lean towards to see first. However, there are plenty of other ways to increase the value and attractiveness of your content. Transcribe audio to text allows you to diverge more into different platforms that might suit other viewership.
This is a perfect example of how simple it is to add a new format to your content and turn it into an opportunity for a higher value. If you have more content than you can ever need, it makes sense to fork some of that out and sell it as an add-on product (like Paid Memberships) from your existing site.
This is even easier than adding new formats because existing users already know what types of content they want as far as price and quality are concerned. This makes all the difference when you consider what happens when your customers buy into this model. They are not just buying your otherwise identical product, but they are also buying something extra in-kind: time.
Sometimes you might want to transcribe a conversation between two people.
You could transcribe the conversation as a text, which is fine if you’re already familiar with that language and the conversation’s length doesn’t exceed a certain duration. But what if one of the people speaks in a very different language? Many times, you can’t simply ask them to speak in a different language. You have to transcribe audio to text in your native language and then attempt to translate it into the other person’s primary language.
We also have to acknowledge the time factor. If a conversation is going on for a long time, it would be impossible to manually transcribe it. To do this, you need a tool that does all of this for you.
This is where the option to transcribe audio to text comes in handy. It allows you to set up your audio/video and let it transcribe the content as it is being spoken, without requiring any translation skills from either party. You will be able to receive transcripted material easily and in record time. This means that once you have transcribed an English-language conversation between two people into their native languages, you can then translate it into different other languages.
“Transcribing” your words may sound like an ordinary task. But it is a huge undertaking and one that is essential to the success of any business. And yet, many businesses don’t even consider the benefits of transcribing their email correspondence or the content of their websites.
Many businesses don’t transcribe because they think it is too time-consuming or because they believe it isn’t worth pursuing.
The biggest benefit of transcribing audio is that it allows you to capture the exact moment of an event and save that moment for later. You can think of this as “event replay” and in a lot of cases, this can be invaluable. It allows you to take notes at an exact time during the event so you can read them later during or after the event.
Transcribing video content can also be used as an excellent way to capture “training” content. Let’s say that instead of having employees watching on-screen tutorials on how to use certain products, you have them record those video lessons and then transcribe them into text so they could refer back to them at a later date. This can be particularly useful if your employees are not available when they need help.
The option to transcribe audio to text allows businesses to create different content out of one single video/audio material suitable for different online platforms. This is particularly helpful as it allows businesses to target more people and let them consume the content using their own favorite method.
It also helps businesses increase conversion rates. The process of transcribing audio to text or videos as well allows businesses to increase conversion rates. It is a measure of a product or service’s effectiveness in its intended consumer market, as it provides information that can be used by interested consumers at a later time. In this way, the company can maintain a higher conversion rate while maintaining all of the information they have included in their video or audio recordings.
Businesses can also have access to new prospects. The possibility to transcribe audio to text offers opens up different alternatives for businesses to create additional sales opportunities if they wish. It can be used in conjunction with existing business assets (such as website pages) that already contain images and videos, allowing potential customers to share those attachments directly with them (via social media).
Another important factor we should mention is that having the same audio material transcribed into different content reduces costs. Businesses can avoid having employees who need manual labor involved when transcribing videos or audios, such as transcribers, editors, sound recordists, etc. Thereby reducing costs for these departments overall and saving time by using a video transcription tool that can do the job in a matter of seconds.
Once the transcription is done, you will be able to have a written document of your video or audio which can help make it more readable. It definitely opens up the documents for readers who may not otherwise be able to read them effectively. It could be because of poor vision or hearing capabilities due to age or other conditions, thus providing adequate accessibility for people with disabilities.
Other factors could be difficulty reading eye-to-eye communication; inability to watch videos due to vision loss; difficulty focusing on audible words; lack of computer skills; etc.
Some of you have heard about the “digital twin” phenomenon: two people are sitting next to each other and their eyes are closed, but one is reading a book and the other is listening to the book. One person is having the content read to them in a normal manner, from a normal page. The second person is listening to it in a way that allows them to follow along with what they can’t see.
This was very popular in the early days of audiobooks, where one could listen to them with headphones. It was also popular for audiobooks that were read by someone with actual voice (as opposed to voice-over narration).
The digital twin phenomenon has become much more complicated than that, but in terms of its basic promise — doubling the content’s value — it hasn’t changed too much since its inception. This can be done by having different formats of the same content (by using the transcribe audio to text or video to text options) and using them in different ways.
There are a few ways you can do this:
Transcribe multiple content sources into one format that could be used and altered into different content again. Transcribe audio to text or video to text is exactly that.
Use multiple formats for different purposes (e.g., transcripts for reading aloud, or transcripts for review).
Mix formats for different audiences (e.g., transcripts for management/consulting meetings will be used as part of an executive summary; lectures will be used as standalone presentations). You can use transcripts for both checking product features and user reviews.
Content is an extremely valuable commodity. It’s hard to quantify, but it’s clear that the value of content marketing varies wildly from product to product and from user to user.
The trick is not just to find what works best for your users; it’s also to create a solid strategy around what works best for your content and then make sure you have an internal team that understands that strategy and implements it.
Understanding the value of your content can help you determine how much money can be made by publishing or using it.
Having different versions of a blog post can be very different in terms of their quality or functionality: some will do more than others (e.g., they will show up on search engines sooner), while others might just be better at showing up on search engines (e.g., they are more “organic”).
If you want to make money with your content, you need a strategy around both formats so that two or three versions are consistently useful for different audiences. Just as importantly, you need a strategy around exactly which ones should be given priority and which ones should get overlooked because they don't fit into your existing brand's needs and goals.
There’s also an option to check different uses for the same format of the same content. There are many uses for the same blog post and each one has its own pros and cons — so different formats need different priorities based on what is most valuable at any given time (or even overtime).
You can also check your customers' feedback for you to determine what type of content sells best. You can Ask different audiences about their preferences on specific formats: do people prefer audio? Video? Text?
Some people like all the forms equally while others like some forms better than others; and still others are indifferent between them all at times. It's always good practice to ask audiences whether they prefer certain kinds of formats depending on their context.