I’m guessing you have clicked on this blog post to learn more on how to use animation in a video ad on Facebook for the upcoming Black Friday happening on the 26th of November 2021. I’m also guessing you’re a fan of the Snickers “I Lose Myself” campaign, which uses a lot of CGI animation to tell the tale of a man’s life.
The Snickers ad is good, but the animation is, well, a little cartoonish, and I’ve noticed that in a lot of the ads I see. The thing is, for a lot of marketers, this sort of animation is all they know. It’s what they’ve grown up with, and it’s what they’ve been told they should be using.
If you’re a brand that’s grown up seeing animation video ad on Facebook, feel free to put it to good use. But you should also take a good look at the sort of animation that’s out there — and decide if that’s really going to set you apart from the competition.
Of course, that’s not a decision you should make lightly. Animation in a video ad on Facebook takes work, and it’s a lot harder to get right than, say, a short video. It’s a lot harder to make something look good that’s obviously going to be out of proportion than something that’s just a few seconds long.
But the benefits of animation for a black video ad on Facebook are worth it.
In fact, I’d argue that an animated video ad on Facebook is probably the best way to make a video that stands out. It is especially important also to use animation to showcase a Black Friday deal as most marketers take this opportunity to think out of the box in order to appeal to viewers.
It is the perfect medium for a brand to tell a story and introduce a deal on a special occasion— and, if you do it right, it’s a medium that’s almost guaranteed to get people talking. What’s more, animation on a video ad on Facebook is being used much more frequently these days, with brands using it to tell stories on social media or to display their products and services for people to purchase.
Animation can also be used as a sort of video marketing tool. It’s possible to create a video ad on Facebook, infographics, and other types of content that are specifically designed to bring people to a particular website. The possibilities are endless.
Animation is a great way to make a video that stands out when competition is as fierce as it can be during Black Friday— and you don’t need a professional animation company to do it either. It’s true that some of the best-known animated video ad for Facebook campaigns are created by professional animation studios but that’s not the only way to do it.
In fact, a lot of animations that you see online are done by people who’ve never worked in an animation studio before. They’ve been given a script and told to make it look good, and they’ve done a surprisingly good job.
In the case of a startup or small business, you can also create your own animated video ad on Facebook using minimum tools which consist of only an animated video maker. The service these video makers offer is equal to what a content creator asks for. Furthermore, because Black Friday video ad on Facebook usually don’t consider many resources but rather a creative mind and a call to action message, you can easily create the video without any prior skills.
A lot of people are surprised to learn that you can actually do animation without a professional studio. So why don’t you give it a go? If you’re not sure how to start your animated video ad on Facebook for Black Friday, try following the steps in the next section.
You don’t need to be an animation expert — if you can follow a simple story, you can make a simple animation video ad on Facebook. You can get the animation done for less than you’d spend on a video made by a professional studio. And you’ll be much more likely to get a video that looks great. This is because you’ll be able to choose the right tools for the job.
Animation is a versatile medium. It can be used in many different ways. Since Black Friday is notorious for having incredible massive deals that bring people to purchase without having to think twice.
The first step to consider when writing your animated video ad on Facebook is how you can capture viewers’ attention. You need to always remember that you will be competing against cute cat videos and old sarcasm on social media feeds. Therefore, if you want to grab the attention you need to stand out, and what better way to stand out than having an animation video as your ad.
Facebook is filled with videos of different sorts. Animation is still new in terms of video content and it is by far the most used technique when it comes to showcasing a deal or a new product as it usually relates to viewers’ emotions.
The second step is to choose a simple format, with no need for fancy techniques or out-of-the-world concepts. Yes, the animation is all about imagination, however, you should always keep your message simple especially when you have a deal for people to purchase. They need to be able to relate to your concept and feel the need to purchase your item.
You can use attention-grabbing stock footage and images, with a simple message. Usually, animated video software provides different images to choose from. You can also use your own images or characters if you have your own resources. In case you have already used a certain character as your protagonist, it’s also helpful to use it in this case as people will feel the need to know more about it since they have already invested in your videos and the character before.
The third step is your message, your stance, your punchline. In an animated video ad on Facebook specifically curated to be displayed on Black Friday, you don’t want to directly talk about your product. The element of excitement should be your Black Friday deal and not the actual product that’s been displayed for the deal.
Make sure to choose the right colors that will fit your concept as well as bring the eye towards the deal. Red and black tones against bright backgrounds usually pass the test for the best color mashup. Make your deal BOLD and CLEAR. You do not want the deal to be ambiguous or faulty. It’s important to make up your deal prior to actually deciding to create an animated video ad on Facebook.
The beauty of creating your own ad is that you can always tweak; modify and update your content whenever needed. You can also add humor if it lines with the whole concept of your product/service and the deal.