Key Factors that Determine Creating Explainer Videos Generate Higher Customer Conversions

Have you ever wondered how some internet marketers manage to have a higher conversion rate using explainer videos? 

Well, to answer this question we have to realize that having a beautiful-looking website gives a good first impression of your business. Also, a clear copy and headline can be a great help to explain what your business is about. Last but not least, authentic testimonials are very important as well to build trust between you and your potential customers. 

It is widely accepted that all these tools work together to increase your conversion rate. However, is that it? or there are more things to consider?

The answer is YES. Nowadays, business owners are not only content with the above-mentioned tools anymore. They are using explainer videos due to their importance to connect with their customers. Besides, explainer videos convey their business's value proposition, special offers, and capture their attention.

One of the difficulties that Kaspersky company faced in its career is how can a complex product be explained to a consumer. Fortunately, Kaspersky's video designers broke down a complex product into easy-to-understand using explainer videos. As a result, the explainer video allowed them to communicate a complex idea which led to the satisfaction of their consumers.

Explainer videos are being used in a variety of ways to enhance your business’s marketing strategy. Usually, explainer videos used on the homepage of your website. Plus, having an explainer video on your homepage is vital as 88% of users will spend more time on your website if it has a video.

Dropbox, as an example,  is a startup that has taken the advantage of explainer videos on its homepage to increase its conversion rate by 10%. Besides, the 10% increase resulted in several thousand extra sign-ups per day.

Why is creating explainer videos considered very important?

Explainer videos are simply short videos (between 60 seconds – and 3 minutes in length) that tell clearly your company’s story. Besides. they can come as animated explanation videos, hand-drawn, digital drawings, and much more.

A recent study has shown that the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today. That is to say, companies need to show the best of their product or service in 1-3 minutes. This is where explainer video software comes in handy, as you can create an animated short video that explains your service with explainer video makers like Vidtoon. Vidtoon™ helps create explainer videos in a way that hooks your customer's attention and stimulates them to take action.

3 factors to secure high customer conversion using Explainer videos

Presentation: Explainer videos are considered one the best ways by which you can clearly tell your customers about what your business offers. Plus, a persuasive copy is good, but the combination of speech, text, and graphics is even better. An explainer video helps to communicate more precisely. You can see creative explainer videos examples here.

Fast shareability: One of the best marketing strategies is to make explainer videos shareable. That is to say, explainer videos are not only to consume but also to entertain and impress. Interesting and humorous videos are the most shareable content on the internet. Therefore, you can reach more customers without breaking a sweat.

Persuasion: Explainer videos can help boost your business's conversion rate in many different ways. Explainer videos can tell your customers why they need to invest in your product or service. A creative explainer video can identify both the problem and the solution. The problem is the lack of your product or service in their life. The solution is to invest in your product or service. 

Explainer videos are becoming more popular, and it’s fairly obvious why. To rephrase it, using explainer videos has a positive impact on your business. To put it another way,  explainer videos briefly tell you about your business. Also, stimulate your customers to take action which generates higher customer conversions.